Tuesday, 29 October 2019

10 great Descriptive Writing Exercise to boost your imagination.

Exercise 1: Choose a Natural Place to describe.
Exercise 2: Close your eyes and imagine that you look at the chosen place from differet sides and situations. Walk around the place and pay attention to the tiniest details. Concentrate on the reactions of your five senses : tocuh, smell, hear, see, taste.
Exercise 3: Write down all of the ideas and descriptions ou got from that place
Exercise 4: Unite all of those ideas and start writing your descriptive text based in this template:

Descriptive text template.

Exercise 5: Try to find the best suitable words to describe each detail.
Exercise 6: Look for similies, metaphors, to better express your ideas.
Exercise 7:  After you complete your first draft , deliver it to the teacher to edit it.
Exercise 8: You will have two opportunities to deliver your text to edit it before the final delivery of your final term.
Exercise 9: You will be asked things about your final work.

Important notes:
Plagiarism will be an argument to loose your final term.
It is recomended to the student to try to write the text by themselves because you will be asked questions about the work.
 Deadline: 20 of November